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Training starts the day training documents are collected. Students must personally sign the collection and submission forms at the Centre so that each participant is responsible and accountable for the training documents so collected. The documents to be collected by the students include:
- General Instructions: This is in addition to the students’ manual and it further gives the students more information on how to handle each of the training documents collected by the student.
- Placement Letter: This is a formal letter officially posting the student to the designated establishment. It is students’ placement authority and must be collected personally from ITCC and submitted to the employer at the commencement of the scheme. It appreciates the company for the kind gestures, solicits for continued support for the programme and hints of the industrial supervision visit to be paid to the establishment and the student(s). Students who have one reason or the other to change their place of attachment must officially apply to the Centre for change of placement. Unauthorised changes are not allowed for whatsoever reason.
- Job Reporting Form: This is an evidence of commencement of training; to be filled and submitted to ITCC within two weeks of the training. Job reporting form also assist the supervisor in gaining easy access as details of the immediate supervisor of the student would have been filled in the form.
- SCAF Form: An ITF Form designed to aid monitoring; to be submitted to the ITF Area Office nearest to each student’s place of training. This is only for students on 6-month SIWES programme.
- Training Log Book: This is a booklet where summary of daily activity in the unit of the student’s posting are recorded. It is to be filled daily and endorsed weekly by work place supervisor. It is a student’s daily diary to be checked by institution supervisors and ITF monitoring staff.
- Employers’ Evaluation Form: This is to be filled by the employer after the completion of SIWES. It forms part of the grading of the student and must be submitted to the Centre under confidential covers. Students are to formally disengage from the company at the expiration of the training exercise.
- ITF Form 8: This is another ITF form designed to elicit from the students the experience gained during the programme. It is also known as end-of-programme report sheet. It consists three parts to be filled by the student, the employer and the student’s institution. It is used by ITF to facilitate payment of SIWES allowance at the end of the training to only students on 6-month training.