O. B. Opadare
B. Sc., MEM (Ibadan); MCEIA
Telephone: +234 - 8030476282
Email: seunopadare@yahoo.com
O. B. Opadare graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial & Production Engineering from the University of Ibadan in 2004. He obtained a Master of Engineering Management in Logistics and Supply Chain Management in 2016 also from University of Ibadan. He has had varied experience in Information Technology. He joined the Centre in August 2007 as an Industrial Coordinator II. He was promoted to the post of Principal Industrial Coordinator in 2017. He is a member of Cooperative Education and Internship Association and a Graduate Member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers.
Job Schedule
O. B. Opadare has the responsibility of coordinating the training activities of the following departments:
- Industrial & Production Engineering
- Electrical /Electronic Engineering
- Physics
- Statistics
- Zoology
- Fisheries and Aquaculture Management
Aside from the above-mentioned specific duties, O. B. Opadare takes active part in the following functions of the Centre:
- Handling of Deferred Students’ Problems
- Coordination of SIWES Orientation seminars for students
- Coordination of Industrial Training Seminars for students
- Regular review of job specification formats
- Handling of ITF matters assigned by the Director
- Master List Preparation for NUC & ITF
- Preparation of Placement List for NUC, ITF and Departments
- Sourcing of suitable industrial training jobs for students participating in SIWES
- Pre-placement orientation programme for potential SIWES participants
- Supervision of students on industrial training programme
- Assessment of components of SIWES
- Issuance of necessary documents to students embarking on SIWES
- Other duties as may be directed by the Director