Dr. A. O. Ojelabi
B.Sc., M.Sc. (Ibadan), Ph.D. (Sunderland), MNIM
Mobile No.: +234-8023523767
Email: ao.ojelabi@mail.ui.edu.ng; roccaolabi@yahoo.com
Dr. Adedokun Oluwafemi Ojelabi holds a B.Sc., M.Sc. in Statistics/Medical Statistics from the University of Ibadan and Ph.D. in Public Health from the University of Sunderland, United Kingdom. He started his career at the University of Ibadan as a Planning Officer in December 1988 and was appointed acting Director of Academic Planning in 2008 and a substantive Director in 2010, an office he held till February 2016 when he went for further studies. He returned to the University in February 2019 and was appointed the Director of ITCC with effect from 1st April, 2019. Dr Ojelabi is an experienced administrator who has served as member of many ad-hoc and statutory committees of the University.
An alumnus of the prestigious Galilee International Management Institute (GIMI), Dr. Ojelabi belongs to various academic and professional bodies within and outside Nigeria. His affiliations include Fuse, the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health, UK; Society for College and University Planning (SCUP), USA; Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM); International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies among others.
Job Schedule
The Director oversees all activities of the Centre in the following areas of SIWES administration:
- The Director is to assist the Vice Chancellor in coordinating SIWES activities of the University and see to the day to day running of the Centre.
- Liaising with the National Universities Commission (NUC), Industrial Training Fund (ITF), and other organizations on matters relating to SIWES on behalf of the University.
- Ensuring a high level of compliance of the University with the norms and parameters as may be dictated by regulatory bodies.
- Chief Placement Officer in regards to SIWES
- Application of job-specifications as prepared for all the accredited courses and award appropriate credit units for the training courses.
- Supervision of students at their places of attachment and signing of their log-books;
- Submission of comprehensive reports on the scheme to ITF through the Supervising Agent on ITF prescribed forms at the end of every year’s programme.
- Preparation of students’ final marks for industrial training programme for onward transfer to the departments.
- Periodic assessment of SIWES programmes through the Management Committee on ITCC meetings.
- Attending Faculty Board of Studies of various participating Faculties to deal with SIWES matters as may be necessary.
- Allocating resources (human and material) for smooth SIWES Programme
- Other duties as may be directed by the Vice Chancellor